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Military manuals- National Military Manuals – IIHL
Topics: sniper, target, snipers, team, enemy, range, rifle, firing, weapon, meters, sniper rifle, firing FM Map Reading and Land Navigation "The purpose of this field manual is to provide a standardized source document for Armywide reference on map reading and land navigation.
It applies to every soldier in the Army regardless of service branch, MOS, or rank. This manual contains both doctrine and training guidance on these subjects. Part One addresses map reading and Part Two, land navigation.
The appendixes include a list of exportable training materials, a matrix of land Army, United States. Topics: seal, patrol, handbook, mission, warfare, appendix, ihc, navy, navy seal, target, seal team, target Topics: urban, enemy, fire, operations, buildings, infantry, support, combat, battalion, platoon, company Topics: soldiers, fitness, exercise, physical, soldier, muscular, muscle, training, body, repetitions, The series starts with the basic electrical fundamentals and extends to the most recent technical concepts, as applied to telegraphy, telephony, radio, loran, facsimile, radio direction finding, radar, meteorological radio, television, and other Design — II.
Charcoal and Pastels — III. Oils — V. Stenciling — VI. Watercolor — Chapter 3. Topics: Handicraft, United States. Army, Handicraft -- Therapeutic use, Occupational therapy, Technical Topics: positions, fighting, survivability, protection, terrain, camouflage, position, protective, Topics: snow, survival, aid, water, avalanche, signaling, marine, air, cold weather, mountainous, student Topics: opponent, command, rear, bayonet, left, attack, counter, phase, arm, objective, left foot, left Topics: squad, leader, platoon, center, team, fires, fire, enemy, aiming, laser, laser pointer, team Topics: blasting, charge, demolition, detonating, figure, explosive, cap, charges, firing, explosives, Description and data 6, 7 2 Chapter Topics: sniper, fmfm, enemy, rifle, firing, figure, target, snipers, targets, terrain, range estimation, Topics: opponent, left, fighter, figure, deflecting, breaking, rear, hand, wrist, bayonet, fixed bayonet, Topics: intelligence, operations, isr, support, collection, enemy, commander, humint, military, FM Basic Electricity.
Safety 1 2. Fundamental concepts of electricity 11 3. Batteries 34 4. Series d-c circuits 57 5. Parallel d-c circuits 85 6. Network analysis of d-c circuits 7. Electrical conductors and wiring techniques 8. Electromagnetism and magnetic circuits 9. Introduction to alternating-current electricity Inductance Capacitance Inductive and capacltive reactance.
Fundamental alternating- current Army, Marine It is a guide for commanders, leaders, and instructors to develop training programs, plans, and lessons that meet the objectives or intent of the United States Army rifle marksmanship program and FM Training the Force. This manual is organized to Army, US FM Because medical personnel will not always be readily available, the nonmedical service members must rely heavily on their own skills and knowledge of life-sustaining methods to survive on the integrated battlefield.
This publication outlines both self-aid and aid to other service members buddy aid. More importantly, it emphasizes prompt and effective action in sustaining life Topics: First Aid, United States. Topics: mine, mcm, mines, magnetic, forces, ships, operations, warfare, minefield, mining, moored mines, Topics: guerrilla, guerrillas, military, arc, forces, ambush, army, enemy, patrol, troops, win small, FM Operations Against Irregular Forces "The text discusses the nature of irregular forces comprised of organized guerrilla units and underground elements, and their supporters; and the organization, training, tactics, techniques, and procedures to be employed by a combined arms force, normally in conjunction with civil agencies, to destroy large, well-organized irregular forces in active or cold war situations.
Topics: sniper, target, enemy, patrol, terrain, snipers, targets, range, student, observation, range FM Rifle Platoon and Squads: Infantry, Airborne and Mechanized "This manual provides doctrinal guidance on the organization and tactical employment of each rifle platoon and squad organic to the infantry, airborne, and mechanized rifle company. Topics: assembly, receiver, bolt, pin, rifle, barrel, force, army, spring, air, front sight, barrel FM AFM Survival At Sea "The purpose of this manual is to provide basic and fundamental information on how to take care of yourself and what to do during emergencies at sea.
Topics: percent, tnt, explosive, test, ammonium, grams, detonation, explosives, cubic, composition, percent Topics: urban, operations, forces, army, support, combat, threat, commanders, offensive, military, urban FM Opposing Forces: Europe.
Topics: firing, target, soldier, rifle, weapon, marksmanship, sight, training, fire, targets, shot groups, General , 3 II. Description and data , 4 Chapter 2. Service upon receipt of materiel 12 Appendix A. Controls and instruments , Topics: cartridge, projectile, fuze, limit, weight, propelling, primer, charge, assembly, shipping, Operator's, organizational and direct support maintenance manual : desktop cumputer [i. Introduction B-l II. Topics: Technical Manual, United States.
Army, Field Manual, United States. Topics: radio, antenna, frequency, communications, signal, transmission, nri, figure, transmitter, Marine Corps. This publication discusses the individual skills required for effective rifle marksmanship and standardizes the techniques and procedures used throughout the Marine FM Leadership, March 6, "The purpose of this manual is to provide military leaders, actual and prospective, with a practical guide for applying the principles of leadership.
In the ultimate sense, leadership is not inherent; it depends upon traits which can be developed, and upon the application of techniques which can be learned. It is an art which can be acquired, cultivated, and practiced by anyone who possesses the mental and physical ability and the moral and ethical Topics: Korean War, , United States. Department of the Army and Department of the Air Force. TM Physical Reconditioning General 11, 12 41,43 II.
Communication between troops is essential. It will also be the case when you and your loved ones are fighting for your life to survive. From arm and hand movements to flags and other visual aids, this manual will teach you how to communicate when cell phone towers will cease to function.
Wind, snow, and rain can considerably hinder your survival efforts, possibly affecting your health through hypothermia among other things. Many preppers think about and have various types of caches to preserve their valuables.
But what if you learned this skill from folks with military backgrounds — the Special Forces nonetheless? Riots, thugs or possibly even a revolution, there are few dangers in a SHTF scenario bigger than our fellow mankind. It includes real life special forces tactics, modified for civilians, with practical tips about travel safety, preventing car theft, and evading dangerous situations. A great guide for anyone wanting information on self-defense and defense of property and anyone interested in learning more about DIY explosives.
Several chapters include information on how to make guns from wood or pvc. Though not a certified military manual, this was written by former combat vet, Don Mann. The manual covers weapon and caliber options, gun safety, open versus concealed carry, as well as practice drills and proper stance.
A great guide for beginners who need to learn about handguns for defense. This is a handy manual if you are interested in learning and then practicing some basic self-defense and martial arts moves. Information on tactics and procedures for military operations within urban areas and terrain. Covers offensive and defensive planning as well as combat support and logistics support. Appendix includes info on skills such as weapons handling and firing, movement, entry and clearing techniques all of which will be helpful information for any prepper facing a security threat or hostile environment.
The spread of population and development of densely populated urban areas has drastically altered the battlefield. This manual provides information on new tactics that should be used when fighting in areas where the enemy may be hiding in among civilians. This manual is all about ground operations for the ground troops that are part of the Marines. It talks about their doctrine, the command and control chain, operational maneuvers from the sea, defensive operations and much, much more.
This appears to be a good basic first aid manual. It has some simple diagrams included that are easy to follow. Includes instructions on emergency first aid, how to treat airway blockage and breathing issues, bleeding, and shock.
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